
Justine Feeney

Quite often it is that 'God woks in mysterious way; Although, I am not sure how or why this happens, I know this to be true.it was by design that this touching story of a handsome little boy would be brought to life. He lapsed into a coma for four years before the lord took him in 1973. since then, his mother was on a mission to tell the story of her beloved son, but the years just ticked away without success.By chance she came across my autobiography and noticed that I shared the same birth date in day and month as her son Joseph Feeney. (October 29) I must say that I was touched by this little boy in the same way as he had the lives of thousands who had come to his aid in his struggle for life. I felt compelled to tell her story to the whole world. Now, from the words of his mother penned over the years, I am proud to have edited and shred one mother's last ounce of courage and her unrelenting faith in God.